Versatile pipetting platform apricot DC1

Special dual-core pipetting technology from SPT Labtech integrates the functionality of four pipette tools in a single adaptable and inexpensive pipetting platform. With the availability of automatic tip exchange and nine flexible deck positions, the small apricot DC1 is completely fitted to fulfill an extensive range of applications and pipetting tasks.

Powerful automated pipetting from tubes to plates

The adaptable apricot DC1 opens a raft of advantages for laboratories taking initial steps toward liquid handling automation.

The apricot DC1 entitles laboratory staff by being a highly accessible platform, enabling teams to benefit rapidly from reliable standardization, increased throughput, and improved data quality when copying, pooling, aliquoting, mixing, and making the serial dilution of liquids.

Full walk-away automation

Integrating special dual-core pipetting technology, the apricot DC1 combines four separate pipetting tools inside a single instrument to enable high-volume, low-volume, single, and multichannel pipetting.

The out-of-the-box automation provides laboratories with complete walk-away abilities without needing expensive automation experts or additional investment in extra application-specific functionality.

Versatile pipetting platform Apricot DC1

Image Credit: SPT Labtech

Improved data quality

The apricot DC1’s top-rated pipetting abilities produces trustworthy data quality and easy standardization of the outcomes compared to manual or semi-manual pipetting processes, decreasing the variability of outcomes between scientists, and enhancing assay reproducibility.

Versatile pipetting platform Apricot DC1

Image Credit: SPT Labtech

Better lab ergonomics

The small benchtop unit sets the stage for low-cost chances for laboratories to simplify and automate their workflows, easing laboratory staff of tiresome and error-prone manual tasks and decreasing the threat of repetitive strain injuries (RSI) linked to manual pipetting.

Versatile pipetting platform Apricot DC1

Image Credit: SPT Labtech

apricot DC1 - 4-in-1 versatile automated pipetting

Video Credit: SPT Labtech

Dual-core pipetting head

Dual high-volume and low-volume pipetting cores allow highly precise pipetting across the 1 to 1000 μL volume range. The automatic and flexible tip loading mechanism enables the user to pipet with single pipette tips, a column of 8 pipette tips or even a row of 12 pipette tips for adaptable pipette steps.

Users can get the equivalent of four liquid handling tools inside one accessible instrument for high-volume, low-volume, single, and multi-channel automated pipetting.

9 + 1 position deck

Ample space on the deck can house an extensive range of plates, labware, and tips. Users can select landscape and portrait plate orientation to pipette by column or row.

Accessorize with on-deck modules, such as shakers, plate heaters, magnetic bead separator, or a tip washing station. A waste chute available to store disposable tips completes the completely automated operation.

Wide range of compatible labware

Consistent with an extensive range of labware to assist several applications, such as PCR plates, 96/384 well plates, deep well blocks, microcentrifuge tubes (1.5/2.0/5.0 mL), liquid reservoirs, and PCR tubes as PCR tube strips.

Optional protective enclosure

For extra safeguarding, a safe enclosure shields the instrument and reagents from external influence while safeguarding the user against accidental contact.

Even though not comparable to the safety afforded by a biological safety hood, the enclosure provides a shielded environment perfect for assays like PCR without sacrificing hood space.

Affordable technology from a trusted vendor

Users can get an accessible liquid handling instrument from a vendor trusted across the industry for its first-in-class laboratory automation solutions. They can benefit from the remarkable value with the peace of mind available with a solution from the innovative SPT Labtech product family.

Revolutionizing liquid handling

The accessible apricot DC1 aids an extensive range of pipetting operations and applications for labs taking their first steps toward liquid handling automation.

Pipetting operations

Every pipetting function is consistent with either single-channel or multichannel (8/12) operation, utilizing either the low-volume (1-125 µL) core or high-volume (10-1000 µL) of the special 4-in-1 head:

  • Copy or transfer
  • aliquot
  • pool
  • mix
  • serial dilution
  • aspirate or multi-aspirate
  • dispense
  • compress or decompress plates (96 to 384)


The adaptable configuration of apricot DC1 assists an extensive range of applications, including:

  • serial dilution
  • PCR or qPCR setup

As a result of its special 4-in-1 technology, apricot DC1 makes light work of automating complicated or multi-step protocols:

  • Single-channel pipetting mode is perfect to distribute reagents from separate kit tubes to PCR strips or plates and aids in reducing dead volumes
  • Automated tip loading and unloading links pipetting steps can be performed without user intervention
  • Nearly 8/12-channel pipetting mode quickly distributes reagents throughout plates and copies special samples

With the availability of a spacious 9-position deck and a validated range of software-controlled accessories, obtaining walk-away automation has never been highly accessible and is costly.

Pipette tips

apricot DC1 is compatible with apricot AL pipette tips for automated tip disposal and loading. All apricot tips are composed of high-quality polypropylene and come in filtered sterile (FS), non-sterile (NS), and sterile (S) formats.

Table 1. Source: SPT Labtech

Part number Max. dispense volume (µL) Min. dispense volume (µL) Sterility Racks per case
1000-2P-096-AL-NS 1000 10 non-sterile (NS) 40
1000-2P-096-AL-S 1000 sterile (S)
1000-2P-096-AL-FS 850 filtered-sterile (FS)
125-096-AL-NS 125 1 non-sterile (NS) 40
125-096-AL-S 125 sterile (S)
125-096-AL-FS 100 filtered-sterile (FS)
050-096-AL-NS 50 1 non-sterile (NS) 40
050-096-AL-S 50 sterile (S)
050-096-AL-FS 35 filtered-sterile (FS)


On-deck accessories

apricot DC1 is compatible with a variety of third-party accessories, such as shakers, heaters, and tip wash stations, which are all regulated through the user-friendly graphical user interface.

Easy-to-use software

No earlier automation experience is needed to control the intuitive software of the instrument from a laptop controller or PC.

Beneficial features of the apricot DC1’s software include transferrable files (protocols), user account management, log generation, and an API for third-party robotic integration.

apricot Liquid Handler Citations

5/5 for easy to import, create or edit workflows/protocols. Our apricot works really well for NGS protocols. 5/5 for easy to calibrate and re-initialize. 5/5 for great after sales-care & customer services."

Stella Huang | R&D Scientist

Amazing to see [the apricot] unboxed and contributing to more efficient NGS workflows on the same day! We’re all about that kind of turnaround…"

Sequencing Technologies Director, Day Zero Diagnostics

The apricot is a very efficient tool for us. We work with high-throughput 384-well low-volume plates that don't leave a lot of room for error when handling. Using the apricot for media changes and other aspects of cell culture cut down our wet lab time tremendously and make our treatments much more consistent than they would be by hand. The apricot is our most heavily used piece of equipment in our lab."

Jake Buford | Assistant Lab Manager, PhenoVista Biosciences

In the start of the pandemic PP5+1 saved the day! It is easy to create reproduce-able results. I created Covid extraction protocols with this instrument “6 PP5+1” paralleling the process allowing lab staff to easily run RNA extractions and get the same results every time. With the open platform it makes it intuitive to control the throughput. It can handle higher throughput or partial allowing us to keep one instrument for all our needs."

Samuel Gonzalez | Field Engineer, Pandemic Response Lab

Technical specification

Table 2. Source: SPT Labtech

. . . .
Dispensing precision High volume core: <3% CV at 10 µL
Low volume core: <3% CV at 1 µL
Dispensing accuracy High volume core: +/– 2% at 10 µL
Low volume core: +/– 2% at 1 µL
Volume Low volume core (1/8/12 channels): 1 - 125 µL
High volume core (1/8/12 channels): 10 - 1000 µL
Resolution High volume core: 1 µL
Low volume core: 0.1 µL
Power 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Operating temperature 50– 100 °F
10– 37.8 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D) 786 mm x 513 mm x 471 mm
31" x 20" x 19"
Weight Approx. 55 kg (121 lbs)