Dermatology - Skin Health Starts from Within: the Importance of Diet in Dermatology
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  The latest dermatology news from News Medical  
 Melanin structure discovery brings scientists one step closer to developing ultra-protective sunscreenMelanin structure discovery brings scientists one step closer to developing ultra-protective sunscreen
A new discovery about the structure of melanin has brought scientists one step closer to developing a new, potentially ultra-protective sunscreen derived from a biological substance found in nearly all organisms.
   Skin Health Starts from Within: the Importance of Diet in DermatologySkin Health Starts from Within: the Importance of Diet in Dermatology
According to a growing amount of research, dietary modification may function as a component of therapy for various skin diseases. Read more here.
   Dermatologic TherapyDermatologic Therapy
There are various types of therapies that may be used in the management of dermatologic conditions. These can be broadly categorized as topical agents, dressings, systemic agents, laser and photodynamic therapy, and cryosurgery.
 'Normal looking' skin may still carry sun-damaged DNA mutations that can trigger cancer
'Normal looking' skin may still carry sun-damaged DNA mutations that can trigger cancerA University of Queensland study has found skin with few visible freckles or blemishes may still carry sun-damaged DNA mutations that can trigger cancer.
 Psoriasis Clinical Classification
Psoriasis Clinical ClassificationIt is useful to classify psoriasis to help guide the appropriate treatment decisions.
 Electrodessication (Dermatology)
Electrodessication (Dermatology)Electrodessication is a quick and simple office-based technique where an electrical current is used to remove specific skin lesions such as sebaceous hyperplasia, cherry angiomas, seborrheic keratoses, skin tags, and brown spots.
 Curettage (Dermatology)
Curettage (Dermatology)Curettage is the term used to describe surgical scraping, which may be used to clean a body cavity of foreign matter, to remove diseased tissue such as tumors or growths or to obtain a biopsy that can be used for diagnosis. It involves the use of a small, spoon-shaped tool with a very sharp edge called a curette.